Payment of electricity bills in direct communication through e-Klik

06 June, 2018

The method of paying electricity debt in e-Klik has undergone changes. Below you will find instructions on how to pay your electricity bills. Below you will find the illustrations. 

After new developments on the e-Klik platform, electricity bills will be able to be realized through direct communication. In e-Klik, this type of payment will continue to be made from the "Budgetary Payments" menu by selecting the payment for KESCO.

After you have chosen this type of payment, in the field: Customer ID, you must write the Customer ID through which the other fields from the last invoice will be automatically filled in by direct communication, such as: customer name, reference , billing period, bill amount, and total debt. 

For more information, you can contact the Contact Center on the phone number 038 240 230 100 or through the email address


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