SMS Banking

How to use top-up
IPKO DuoTV ( Television and Internet )
An SMS is sent from your mobile to the number 50444 with the text marked in the message duotv space usename
duotv username
IPKO DuoFix (Internet dhe fixed telephony)
An SMS is sent from your mobile to the number 50444 with the text marked in the message duofix space usename
duofix username
IPKO Internet package
An SMS is sent from your mobile phone to the number 50444 with the text marked in the internet message space usename
internet username
IPKO Television package
Dërgohet një SMS nga celulari juaj në numrin 50444 me tekstin e shënuar në mesazh tv hapësirë usename
tv username
Mobile top-up with SMS (Vala and Ipko)
An SMS is sent from your mobile phone to the number 50444 with the text marked in the message, enter the phone number you want to top up, space, desired amount
04xxxxxxx 5
This service can also be used by your relatives, since you can authorize 5 more numbers to top up your mobile phone from your account.
The daily top-up limit is optional, from €1 to €100. Each authorized number may have a different top-up limit.
SMS for viewing the balance of the bank account:
In SMS write the text:
and send it to 50444
The Bank will send you an SMS reply that informs you about the balance of your bank account, the allowed minus and the last five transactions.