
For us, this region is not just a spot on the map. Because we love our home, we strive to improve and develop it for present and future generations. That is why we have embarked on the path of intensive integration of sustainability into our operations. Above all, through financing we want to accelerate the transition of South-Eastern Europe to a low-carbon economy.

Sustainability report

We claim that sustainability is not just something one puts on paper

An important part of our mission – besides taking care for our customers with our commitment, knowledge and innovative solutions – is to create a better life, a better future for us all. For us, this region is not just a spot on the map – this is our home. That is why we have embarked on the path of intensive integration of sustainability into our operations. In the broadest sense, we understand sustainability as our operations that meet the needs of this generation and simultaneously preserve the opportunities of future generations.

Signatory to the Principles for Responsible Banking

The Principles for Responsible Banking set out the banking industry’s role and responsibility in shaping a sustainable future and in aligning the banking sector with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

Our Sustainability Framework

NLB Group strives to fully integrate the elements of corporate sustainability which leads to a bank’s delivery of long-term value in financial, environmental, social and ethical terms. NLB Group actively contributes to a more balanced and inclusive economic and social system through three lines of actions:

Sustainable Operations

Sustainable operations refer to managing our direct ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) impacts, ensuring we operate ethically and efficiently. Our approach to improving sustainable operations is to measure, manage and report performance in alignment with EU NFRD (EU Non-financial reporting directive) and UNEP FI (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative.).

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable finance integrates ESG criteria into our business and investment decisions for the lasting benefit of our clients and society. Embedding sustainability practices within our lending, investments, products and services, is the most significant way in which we can support national and global sustainable development goals. Moreover, it enables us to manage risks to our own financial performance and profit from business opportunities emerging from the transition to a greener, more inclusive economy.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We actively contribute towards wider socio-economic development through our Corporate Social Responsibility activities with an overarching focus on education in the communities where we operate. In addition, we also support a range of external initiatives such as: humanitarian, cultural heritage, sports, entrepreneurship, environment etc.

Find out more about our corporate sustainability strategy, vision and mission, commitment to the United nations sustainable development goals, sustainable economic activities, ESG risk management, sustainability governance structure, responsible banking and business ethics in NLB Group Sustainability Framework.

More about Sustainability framework

NLB Group Sustainability Pledge 2025

We will fully align our business with UN Principles for Responbile Banking

The Principles for Responsible Banking set out the banking industry’s role and responsibility in shaping a sustainable future. 

Donations and sponsorship will be performed in accordance with UN SDG

For the most part, our CSR activities such as donations and sponsorship will be performed in accordance with UN Sustainable development goals.

Paperless business will be based on digital solutions

Digital solutions will replace paper based business. In this way, we will be able to directly contribute to reducing our carbon footprint.

We will lower our carbon footprint with remote working

The practice of remote working will allow us to drive less to work and reduce the number of business premises thus directly lower our carbon footprint.

Restraining from coal-related business and financing low-carbon economy

We will lower our carbon footprint indirectly, through our lending and investing activities: restraining from coal-related business and financing projects related to low-carbon economy.

Raise awareness of sustainability in the entire NLB Group

To the best of our ability, we will raise awareness of sustainability in the entire NLB Group through educational programs for employees and customers.

Our risk management framework will be additionally enhanced

Our overall risk management framework will be additionally enhanced by integrating assessment, monitoring and management of ESG risks.

Report relevant environmental and social risks and opportunities

We will disclose and report the metrics and performance against targets used to assess and manage relevant environmental and social risks and opportunities where such information is material.

Signatory of Global UN Principles for Responsible Banking

For us sustainability is not just something one puts on paper

NLB Group Sustainability Report 2020

For the sixth year in a row

Signatory to the Principles for Responsible Banking



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