ATM locations

DropBox  for depositing funds from businesses according to the agreement with the Bank is located at str. Ukshin Hoti, no. 124, Pristina. 

ATM locations are divided by region.

Prishtinë Rr. Eqrem Qabej 4 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Rr. Eqrem Qabej 4 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Rexhep Luci Nr.11 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Rr. Agim Ramadani p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Qamil Hoxha p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Pllatoja E Qendrës Tregtare Dardani p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Zona Industriale Deloitte p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Ilir Kunushevci Nr.161 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Qendra Tregetare Bregu I Diellit Nr.88 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Rruga B MAXI 24h Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Lagjja Emshir Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Rr. Garibaldi 2, Objekti H-11 2 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Agim Ramadani p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Ilir Kunushevci Nr.161 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Zona Industriale ETC p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Vëllezërit Fazliu 35 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Vellusha e Poshtme Nr.17 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Eqrem Qabej Nr.4 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Rr Ukshin Hoti Nr.124 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Lagja Ulpianë D6 Lok 20a p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Veternik Maxi Hipermarket p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Nazim Gafurri, Qendra Tregtare Nr.16 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Ahmet Krasniqi Nr.1 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Lagjja Mati 1, Blloku C, Lok.4 1 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Gazmend Zajmi p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr Ukshin Hoti Nr.124 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Veternik Albi Mall Shoping Centre p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Rr Ukshin Hoti Nr.124 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Lagjja Dardania, Kurriz Lok.9 p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr. Rexhep Luci Nr.11 Withdrawals/Deposits
Prishtinë Rr. UÇK Nr.39 Withdrawals
Prishtinë Lagja Ulpianë p.n Withdrawals
Prishtinë Rr Ukshin Hoti Nr.124 Withdrawals/Deposits
Podujevë Rr. Zahir Pajaziti p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Podujevë Rr. Skenderbeu p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Podujevë Rr. Zahir Pajaziti p.n Withdrawals
Drenas Fshati Komoran p.n Withdrawals
Drenas Rr. Skenderbeu p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Drenas Rr. Skenderbeu p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Çagllavicë Rr. Pensylvania Nr.41 Withdrawals/Deposits
Lypjan Rr. Lidhja e Prizrenit p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Lypjan Rr. Lidhja e Prizrenit p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Shtërpcë Rr. Kryesore p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Kastriot Rr. Hasan Prishtina Nr.64 Withdrawals/Deposits
Kastriot Rr. Hasan Prishtina Nr.64 Withdrawals/Deposits
Gracanicë Rr. Car Lazar p.n Withdrawals/Deposits

Vendi Adresa Lloji i ATM-it
Fushë Kosovë Zona Industriale p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Fushë Kosovë Rr. Hyzri Talla 4 Withdrawals/Deposits
Fushë Kosovë Rr. Nëna Terezë p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Fushë Kosovë Rr. Rruga e Pejes p.n Withdrawals

Vendi Adresa Lloji i ATM-it
Gjilan Rr. Bulevardi I Pavaresise p.n Withdrawals
Gjilan Rr. Adem Jashari Nr.116 Withdrawals/Deposits
Gjilan Qendra Tregtare ETC p.n Withdrawals
Gjilan Rr. Adem Jashari Nr.116 Withdrawals/Deposits
Dardanë Rr. Skenderbeu p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Viti Rr. Adem Jashari p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Pozhoran Fshati Pozhoran p.n Withdrawals

Vendi Adresa Lloji i ATM-it
Gjakovë Rr. Nëna Terezë Nr.363 Withdrawals/Deposits
Gjakovë St. Nena Tereze Nr.363 Withdrawals/Deposits
Gjakovë Rr. Ismail Qemaili Nr.9 Withdrawals/Deposits
Gjakovë Rr: Yll Morina p.n Withdrawals

Vendi Adresa Lloji i ATM-it
Pejë Rr. Eliot Engel Nr. 97 Withdrawals
Pejë Rr. Isa Demaj p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Pejë Rr. Isa Demaj p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Istog Rr. Fadil Ferati Nr.13 Withdrawals/Deposits
Klinë Rr. Abedin Rexha Nr.4 Withdrawals/Deposits
Istog Rr. Isuf Bardhi Nr.31 Withdrawals/Deposits
Junik Rr.Tregovisht-Berishe p.n Withdrawals/Deposits

Vendi Adresa Lloji i ATM-it
Prizren Rr. De Rada p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Prizren Rr. Adem Jashari p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Prizren Rr. Adem Jashari p.n Withdrawals
Prizren Rr. Adem Jashari p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Prizren Rr. De Rada p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Therandë Rr. Brigada 123 p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Rahovec Rr. Xhelal Hajda-Toni p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Xërxe Fshati Xërxe p.n Withdrawals
Therandë Rr. Brigada 123 p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Malishevë Rr. Rilindja Kombëtare p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Malishevë Rr. Rilindja Kombëtare p.n Withdrawals/Deposits

Vendi Adresa Lloji i ATM-it
Ferizaj Rr. Rexhep Bislimi p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Ferizaj Rr. Rexhep Bislimi p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Ferizaj Rr. Rexhep Bislimi p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Ferizaj Rr. Ahmet Kaçiku Nr.1 Withdrawals/Deposits
Kacanik Rr. Ismail Raka p.n Withdrawals
Kacanik Rr. Ismail Raka Nr.12 Withdrawals/Deposits
Hani i Elezit Rr.Adem Jashari p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Shterpcë Rr. Kryesore p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Hani i Elezit Rr.Adem Jashari p.n Withdrawals/Deposits

Vendi Adresa Lloji i ATM-it
Mitrovicë Rr. Mbretresha Teutë Nr.33 Withdrawals/Deposits
Mitrovicë Rr. Kralja Petra Nr.125 Withdrawals/Deposits
Mitrovicë Rr. Afrim Zhitia p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Mitrovicë Rr. Mbretresha Teutë p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Mitrovicë Rr. Mbreteresha Teute Nr.33 Withdrawals/Deposits
Mitrovicë Rr.Kralja Petra Nr.125 Withdrawals/Deposits
Skenderaj Rr. 28 Nëntori p.n Withdrawals
Vushtrri Rr. Hasan Prishtina Nr.122 Withdrawals/Deposits
Skenderaj Rr. 28 Nëntori p.n Withdrawals/Deposits
Vushtrri Rr. Hasan Prishtina Nr.122 Withdrawals/Deposits


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